Janna Holmstedt

| works | projects | writing |stage | statement | resumé | recent and upcoming |

E-mail: mail[at]jannaholmstedt.com
Cell phone: +46 (0)709 700 710

| works | projects | writing |stage | statement | resumé | recent and upcoming
| works | projects | writing |stage | statement | resumé | recent and upcoming
| works | projects | writing |stage | statement | resumé | recent and upcoming
| works | projects | writing |stage | statement | resumé | recent and upcoming
| works | projects | writing |stage | statement | resumé | recent and upcoming

Positionsbestämning 1-3 [Positioning 1-3]
Triptych, posters, 46 x 60 cm, 2002-2006
Installation photos from the exhibition "Labyrinth", Botkyrka konsthall, Stockholm, Sweden, 18 Nov 2006-31 Jan 2007. Read posters here (pdf, SV) >>
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