Janna Holmstedt

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Sonic Sensibilities

Performance/Listening Session with Jacek Smolicki, 90 min.
Spring Clean 3, Marabouparken, May 2019.

In Sonic Sensibilities, Janna Holmstedt and Jacek Smolicki invite you to a series of activities – a soundwalk, a sound collage, and a performance – in the park and inside the gallery’s main hall. The acts begin with a soundwalk outdoors in which existing sounds are observed and woven together with smaller sound installations by Smolicki. The sound walk is followed by a performative sound collage where Smolicki use everyday objects and matarials gathered during the walk in unexpected and poetic ways. Following this, Janna Holmstedt moves between the human, the synthetic and the beastly in her performance. Her piece builds upon historical sound archives where storytelling is intervowen with animal, human and artificial voices.

In Sonic Sensibilities, the artistry of Janna Holmstedt and Jacek Smolicki and their respective interest for different forms of listening practices and sound technologies meet.  Through active listening other aspects of our surroundings than those we usually notice in a visually oriented culture emerge. How do I perceive my surroundings and my own presence in these if I silently listen, instead of looking at or speaking about it? How do the surroundings and the objects sound? How does language really sound? What does technology do with our listening and our bodies?

Read more at Marabouparken website
Photo: Marabouparken

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