Janna Holmstedt

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| mail[at]jannaholmstedt.com


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Tracking the Borders

Soundwalk and filmed performance (with Lars Siltberg), part of the gathering "Popcorn & Film: Interfaces", Feb 2019.

This silent walk took place at dawn and started inside a hospital, in front of a historical photograph, with a short introduction of the site and its history. With our bodies we then tracked a part of the former border of the once vast allotment that had occupied the site up until 1965. It had been founded 1911 with the purpose to provide the struggling urban working class with a piece of land. After 20 minutes we arrived to the small allotment community that still remains today. Here a screen was installed among the branches where the rest of the walk, which takes 60 minutes to complete, is displayed as film. The walker is seen moving away from the camera in a straight line, trying to navigate according to an invisible map and find ways around the many obstacles on the way.

With support from Konstnärsnämnden (Swedish Arts Grants Committee, Visual Arts Fun)

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