Janna Holmstedt

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E-mail: mail[at]jannaholmstedt.com
Cell phone: +46 (0)709 700 710

| works | projects | writing |stage | statement | resumé | recent and upcoming
| works | projects | writing |stage | statement | resumé | recent and upcoming
| works | projects | writing |stage | statement | resumé | recent and upcoming
| works | projects | writing |stage | statement | resumé | recent and upcoming
| works | projects | writing |stage | statement | resumé | recent and upcoming

Att dela ett samhälle [Sharing/Dividing a Society]

Kulturhuset, Stockholm, Nov 28-Dec 9, 2009. "Att dela ett samhälle" is the head title of a series of works produced more or less collaboratively with the artists Anna Högerg, Johan Tiren and Johan Waerndt between 2007-2009.
The exhibition
In the exhibition at Kulturhuset questions are raised about citizen participation and power structures in regional and urban planning. How can non-monetary values be provided for? How can social infrastructures be understood? And what is the place of public space today?
The word "dela" in Swedish carries a double meaning, it means both "share" and "divide". Thus the title "Sharing/Dividing a Society".

Several works were presented in the exhibition:

”To Mushroom” [Som svampar ur jorden] by Janna Holmstedt and Anna Högberg
”Epilogues” by Johan Tirén
”Planners and Players” by Johan Waerndt and Monika Marklinger.
A new video work, "Demonstration", was also produced for the exhibition in relation to Plattan – the much debated public space right outside Kulturhuset.
Invited guests read from RUFS 2010 live every day and a discussion moderated by Stefan Jonsson ended the exhibition Dec 9.
Please also see ”A Radical Shift of Scenery", where a 3-room apartment was transformed into a platform for in-depth discussions during one month in 2008.

The exhibition was designed by Anna Högberg and Johan Tirén and funded by the Office of Regional Planning and the Culture Administration within the Stockholm County Council, Sweden.

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